Monday, April 23, 2012

My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding: Part 1

Friday, September 11, 2009


Wow! This is ridiculous!

99 Cent Wedding on 9-9-09 for 9 Couples

This is pretty cool and unique. It's nice that these couples didn't really care about where they got married as long it was to each other.

Don't you love the line "She signed the wedding certificate by the 99 cent oils"

Toliet Paper Wedding Dresses!

Can you believe this?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Marriage Advice From 142 Combined Years!

Do you agree with this advice? Do you have any advice you would add?

Are You Ready For Your Wedding?

If not, then you must watch these highly informative videos from the 1950's.

Worst Wedding Moments

Here's to this NOT happening at your wedding!

Do you have any bad or embarrassing wedding moments?